A natural, holistic and proven way of healing your mind, body & spirit

Flower Essences have been used for millennia to heal the mind, body & spirit, but it was not until the 1920s that a simple and unique system of healing was developed by Dr. Edward Bach, an English doctor who abandoned orthodox medicine to become a pioneer and medical revolutionary.
Dr. Bach created a healing system whereby with the usage of the vibrational essences of flowers, one could heal their life. After Dr. Bach, several other flower essences systems have been developed throughout the world, including one that I find extremely transformative: the Australian Bush Flower Essences.
Flower Essences use a holistic approach to health, disease and healing and are based on the concept that every symptom, be it of mind, body or spirit, sends us a specific message, and we need to perceive and acknowledge it to be able to heal ourselves.
This system of healing restores harmony and balance to our lives and helps us identify and clear all the aspects that are hindering us from being in full connection and harmony with our Higher Selves and with the Universe.
"Disease is solely and purely corrective; it is neither vindictive nor cruel, but it is the means adopted by our own souls to point out to us our faults, to prevent our making greater errors, to hinder us from doing more harm, and to bring us back to the path of Truth and Light from which we should never have strayed." - Dr. Edward Bach
Dr. Bach was able to recognise during his life as a physician that what he was working with, i.e. the diseases presented by patients, was not the cause, but the consequence of something else. Because of this, he went on to try to identify what was the true cause of diseases and, after much research, came to the conclusion that it all starts in the mind.
Our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health depends on our minds and this is a concept that ancient and sacred texts have acknowledged for many years. One of the 7 Hermetic Principles, i.e. the seven laws of the Universe as described in the Kybalion, is the Principle of Mentalism, which states that everything starts in the mind. This means that all that we experience externally is a reflection of what is happening within ourselves. As a consequence of that, there is no use in one trying to change their external world, because what needs to happen instead is an internal shift.
I know that this is a lot to take in, especially if you have never heard about these concepts before, but this is one of the secrets you need to know to be able to truly and deeply transform your life.
With this concept in mind, Dr. Bach went on to test his ideas and search for tools that would help him to heal his patients in a natural and holistic way, rather than solely focusing on the physical symptom. After much research, testing and seeing the results of his natural remedies, i.e. flower essences, he was able to observe that when treating the root cause of his patients' diseases, i.e. the emotional and mental imbalances, the physical symptom was resolved. This also meant that the patient didn't return a few months later experiencing the same symptom all over again, because the root cause had been dealt with.
Of course, you might not necessarily need flower essences because of a physical symptom. It could be that you are feeling anxious, fearful, guilty or that you might not even be able to name the feeling, but you know that something is out of alignment within yourself.
Currently, there are several different flower essences systems available worldwide and I am certain that they all work amazingly well to heal humans, animals and also plants! That's right, flower essences can be used not only with humans, but also to help an animal that might be afraid to be left alone or that is being aggressive towards other animals, for example. In addition, flower essences can also be used to heal plants, for example those that are struggling to adapt in a new environment, or who are trying to survive an infestation - for instance, you could use the Bach Rescue Remedy in this situation.
There are a myriad of ways that you can use flower essences, and regardless of what you are currently experiencing, I'm certain that there is a perfect flower essence to help you.
If you'd like to learn more about the powerful healing properties of flower essences or would like to start using them to heal & truly transform your life, contact me via email or book a Holistic Therapy session via my website.
