All my life, but especially in the last few years, I've realized that the only constant in our lives is change. Sometimes we feel that things are flowing a little slower, and at other times at an extremely accelerated speed, but either way they are always flowing.
For a long time I had a hard time just letting things happen the way they should and wanted to control how, when and where things happened. Of course, this is something that I continue to work on, but I feel that in recent years I have managed to evolve a lot in this regard and I have allowed my soul to guide me with the certainty that it knows the best path for my evolution; after all, it had a plan when deciding to incarnate on this planet at this specific time.
I learned that we will always have ups and downs, moments of activity and moments of calm, moments of uncertainty and moments of confidence and faith in what we are doing. I learned that the moments of calmness, when nothing seems to be "happening" (or at least not at the speed we would like), are precisely the moments of preparation for a new phase, for the next moment of heightened activity that will require you to recharge the energy needed to deal with all the changes that are about to come your way.

In the last few months, several changes have taken place in my life and in my business, some positive and wonderful and others challenging. They have brought me many learning moments and I feel that they have all guided me to the place I am today.
During this whole process, I started new projects, met incredible people and gave birth to dreams that for a long time I nurtured with a lot of love, without knowing when they would come true. And it's exactly one of these big dreams that I'd like to talk to you about today.
To tell you about it, I have to go back to my childhood, because that's where it all started.
Maybe you already know, or maybe this is the first time I've told you, but my godmother has been a Holistic Therapist for many years, just as I am today. It's incredible how the universe puts the right person as a master, guardian and protector in our path, right? And I'm telling you this because during my childhood, I passed through several situations in which my emotional body didn't seem to be aligned with who I truly am - I was often angry and upset and I felt somewhat alone, even though I had parents who were present and two sisters, and I had difficulty getting along with some people without understanding the reason behind this.
And it was during these phases, which even affected my physical body, that my godmother took action and started prescribing Flower Essences for me. I've been taking them since this period and I feel like they've really helped me deal with many issues; I don't know how I would have managed without them. Since then, flower essences have been a big part of my life and I have been taking them practically throughout it, including in challenging moments that I believe were part of my Dark Night of the Soul. Of course, I also took them during wonderful moments that I felt that I was ready to develop myself even further.
Most of the time, I took Bach Flower Essences, which I always really liked, but I started to feel that they were too subtle for what I was experiencing. And it was then that my mother introduced me to the Australian Bush Flower Remedies and what energy, what a transformation!
Since then, I practically only use the Australian Bush Flower Essences, although at times I have felt the call to use Bach Flower Remedies. At one point during my journey as a holistic therapist, I felt like starting to study more about Australian Bush Flower Essences so that I could prescribe them to my clients and help them transform their lives, just as I transformed mine. I took many courses, read books, connected with each of the flowers and, of course, used them constantly. However, I had never met the creator of this flower essences system in person, because he had not left Australia to hold a Workshop since 2019.
Until, at the beginning of this year, I received an email from the flower essences distributor here in England saying that he had scheduled a face-to-face workshop in London for May 2023! Of course I bought my ticket on the spot. Imagine meeting a light being that I have always admired and honoured and having the unique opportunity to absorb the knowledge he would share about how it all began, how he channeled his first essence and much more, in person!
This workshop took place a couple of weekends ago and I said a little more about how it went in a post on my Instagram. I left there completely transformed and with a very high vibration! I received several downloads and accessed knowledge and soul wisdom that I didn't even know was there. I went through so many initiations both during the weekend and the next day that I had to stop to meditate, and I shut down completely in the middle of the day because of how strong the energy was.
When I wrote this blog post I was at the airport on my way to Zurich, Switzerland, going to participate in two more workshops with him, bringing together the wisdom of the Australian Bush Flower Essences with Numerology and also with childhood wounds, and I can't wait! I'll tell you everything and share my trip there on my Instagram. So, if you want to stay on top of everything, follow me there!
But for now, I want to invite you to learn more about flower essences and how they work through my website.
I hope you enjoyed knowing a little more about the changes that have been happening around here. Sign up to my Newsletter (if you haven't already) to find out more about the other big change that happened!